Use "has his reasons|have his reason" in a sentence

1. She told you the absolute truth about her reasons for accepting his offer?

Elle a donc dit vrai sur ses raisons d'accepter.


Bien, tout les Achilles ont leurs talons.

3. Like many of his adventuresome ancestors, Senator George Furey has never been slow to respond to challenges he has found threatening to the interests of his province or his country, no matter to what province or rally he and his like-thinking, like-minded Newfoundlanders have had to fly

Comme un grand nombre de ses ancźtres aventuriers, le sénateur George Furey n'a jamais hésité à relever les défis qu'il jugeait źtre des menaces aux intérźts de sa province ou de son pays, peu importe dans quelle province ou à quel rassemblement lui et les Terre-Neuviens qui pensent comme lui ont eu à se rendre

4. His invective has often been ad hominem.

Ses attaques sont généralement Ad hominem.

5. Jeff has done his alma mater proud.

Jeff a de quoi rendre fière son alma mater.

6. Abelian and his team have given us.

Abelian et à son équipe de l’appui qu’ils nous ont accordé.

7. Raymond has his adenoids out, the whole world has to stop.

Raymond se fait enlever les amygdales, et le monde entier s'arrête de tourner.

8. " A stroke of apoplexy has terminated his life. "

" Ll a succombé à une crise d' apoplexie. "

9. An active man has to stretch his legs.

Il faut se dérouiller les jambes.

10. His doctoral advisees have included James E. Gunn.

Pour les articles homonymes, voir James E. Gunn et Gunn.

11. Since 2010, in addition to his classical academic teaching, he has broadened his pedagogical commitment through further education.

Depuis 2010, en plus de ses enseignements académiques classiques, il élargit son engagement pédagogique à travers la formation continue.

12. Venter, has completed his report, which has been submitted to the State President.

Venter, avait achevé son rapport qui avait été présenté au Chef de l'État.

13. Barring that, we may have to accept his offer.

Sans cela, nous serons obligés d'accepter son offre.

14. Then either way, his memory would have been erased

Quoi qu' il arrive, sa mémoire sera effacée

15. This man has laid his hand upon the altar cloth.

Il a demandé protection.

16. They were and are his possession, his property, and he has the exclusive and absolute right to their ownership.

Ils sont sa possession ou sa propriété.

17. He has charge of all the advertising from his company.

Il va bâtir l'image de cette entreprise.

18. The LSO shall have direct access to his Director-General or Head of Service, while informing his direct hierarchy.

Le responsable local de la sécurité a directement accès à son directeur général ou son chef de service tout en informant sa hiérarchie directe.

19. Never has a ruler felt as secure as Papa does now, patting his belly, in absolute command of his domain.

Personne n'a un meilleur directeur que Papa ne l'est aujourd'hui, caressant son ventre, en maître absolu de son domaine.

20. For the tribe of Levi, have Aaron bring his rod.

Pour la tribu de Lévi, demande à Aaron de t’apporter le sien.

21. So, scientifically we have absolutely no reason to move them.

Nous n'avons donc aucune raison scientifique de procéder à ce changement.

22. Counsel for the respondent explains that, for that reason, his affidavit material does not deal directly with this aspect of the matter.] 3.

L'avocat de l'intim é explique que c'est pour cette raison que les affidavits qu'ils pr ésentent ne traitent pas directement de cet aspect de la question.] 3.

23. Al and his wife Shirley have two children, Tracey and Kirk

Al et sa femme Shirley ont deux enfants, Tracey et Kirk

24. "It is his life that speaks, his humanity, his fidelity to the truth, his all-embracing love.

« C'est sa vie elle-même qui parle, son humanité, sa fidélité à la vérité, son amour qui s'étend à tous.

25. Painting for advertising initially has left its mark on his artistic identity.

Cette initiation par la peinture publicitaire marque son identité artistique.

26. However, affected animals are quite accident-prone, and for this reason many animals that develop cerebellar abiotrophy, particularly horses, are euthanized for humane reasons.

Toutefois, les animaux touchés sont très sujets aux accidents, et pour cette raison, beaucoup d'animaux qui développent des AC, notamment les chevaux, sont euthanasiés pour des raisons humanitaires.

27. Miss Wenner, Mr. Alford has forbidden you to talk to His Lordship.

Miss Wenner, Mr. Alford vous a interdit de parler à Sa Seigneurie.

28. No enemies have surfaced yet, But I'm about to have some face time with his girlfriend.

Aucun ennemi n'a encore fait surface, mais je m'apprête à avoir un face-à-face avec sa petite amie.

29. Our absent- minded doctor may have accidentally put his wallet in there

Le docteur y a peut- être mis son portefeuille sans le savoir

30. Welding gases from all those years have just burned up his lungs.

Les années de gaz de soudure lui ont brûlé les poumons.

31. Why don't we have that air-force jet try his frequency again?

Pourquoi ne pas réessayer la fréquence de l'avion militaire?

32. Our absent-minded doctor may have accidentally put his wallet in there.

Le docteur y a peut-être mis son portefeuille sans le savoir.

33. That both sides have a reason Not to go to court.

Que les deux parties ont une raison de ne pas aller au tribunal.

34. his meditation place, and his alchemical laboratory.

l'endroit où il médite, et son laboratoire alchimique.

35. With his attention to detail, this member has prevented a possible catastrophic accident.

Grâce à sa minutie, ce militaire a évité que ne se produise un accident potentiellement catastrophique.

36. In order to save Deanna, Alkar has to break his link with her.

Pour sauver Deanna, il faut qu'Alkar rompe le lien qui l'unit à elle.

37. DEMANDS the immediate release of the Libyan citizen Abdel Basset Al-Megrahi who has been convicted for political reasons totally unrelated to law; his continued detention may be regarded as an abominable kidnapping under all applicable laws and customs

Demande la libération immédiate du citoyen libyen Abdel Basset Al-Megrahi, qui a été condamné pour des raisons politiques sans aucune justification juridique et dont la détention peut être considérée comme un véritable enlèvement en vertu du droit et des usages en vigueur

38. In addition, his renditions of classic Robert Burns songs have been well received.

Ses interprétations des chansons classiques de Robert Burns ont reçu un accueil favorable.

39. His election would have enormous implications, symbolizing the triumph of impunity over accountability.

Son élection aurait des implications importantes, symbolisant le triomphe de l'impunité contre la responsabilisation.

40. They've addled his brain and yellowed his teeth.

Cela lui a altéré le cerveau et jauni les dents.

41. You said his family was his Achilles heel.

Tu as dit que sa famille était son talon d'Achille.

42. They've addled his brain... and yellowed his teeth.

Cela lui a altéré le cerveau et jauni les dents.

43. Fred Smith has filed a complaint against S & S. Delivery Service, his former employer.

Fred Smith a déposé une plainte contre S & S Delivery Service, son ancien employeur.

44. Africa’s famine highlights an age-old adage: “Man has dominated man to his injury.”

La famine qui sévit en Afrique vient confirmer ce vieil adage: “L’homme domine l’homme à son détriment.”

45. Every prophet who has succeeded Joseph Smith has added his personal witness of the divine mission of the Savior.

Tous les prophètes qui ont succédé à Joseph Smith ont ajouté leur témoignage personnel de la mission divine du Sauveur.

46. After the death of Kim Il-sung, his son Kim Jong-il was understood to have inherited his father's near-absolute control over the country.

Après la mort de Kim Il-sung (en 1994), son fils Kim Jong-il a hérité du contrôle quasi absolu de son père sur le pays,,.

47. He had cuts on his throat, the inner side of his left wrist and the inner side of his left ankle and abrasions on his left forearm, the inner side of his right ankle and his abdomen, and several of his teeth were missing.

Il portait des plaies à la gorge, à l’intérieur du poignet gauche et à l’intérieur de la cheville gauche, des écorchures à l’avantbras gauche, à l’intérieur de la cheville droite et à l’abdomen, et il lui manquait plusieurs dents.

48. His strict sense of discipline, abstinence and self-abnegation, combined with an unyielding code of honour make him an adversary to beware of. The Paladin has a heightened consciousness of both his strengths and his weaknesses.

Sa discipline stricte, son sens de l'abnégation et du renoncement, son code de l'honneur en font un adversaire redoutable, sûr de ses forces et conscient de ses faiblesses.

49. My house and his have been allied since the earliest days of the Republic.

Nos maisons sont alliées depuis les débuts de la République.

50. His giving started untold aeons ago with creation —his very first creation, his “only-begotten Son.”

Sa générosité s’est manifestée, en des temps immémoriaux, avec la création de “son Fils unique”, sa toute première création (Jean 3:16).

51. Jesus said: “Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

Jésus a dit : “ Tout homme qui continue à regarder une femme de manière à éprouver une passion pour elle a déjà commis l’adultère avec elle dans son cœur.

52. Fausto Correia will be sorely missed by his family, his friends and by us, his fellow Members.

Fausto Correia manquera cruellement à sa famille, à ses amis, ainsi qu'à nous tous, ses collègues.

53. — if his current activity is DRIVING, his current continuous driving time and his current cumulative break time,

— si son activité en cours est la CONDUITE, son temps de conduite continue et son temps de pause cumulé,

54. I checked his Facebook page and his netflix queue

J' ai vérifié son facebook et ses locations sur netflix

55. Given the stress of the past five months, his spine may have actually shrunk.

À cause du stress des cinq derniers mois, sa colonne vertébrale doit avoir rapetissé.

56. But his achievements, his selfless work, and his dreams shine a light forward for all of us.

Mais ces réussites, son travail, ses rêves, brille à l'horizon pour nous.

57. Applicants must have a valid reason, in the authorities' eyes, to request access

Les requérants doivent avoir une raison valable, aux yeux des autorités, de déposer une demande

58. We in the SPLM/A have absolutely no reason to cause any delays.

Le SPLM/A n’a absolument aucune raison de causer des retards.

59. We in the SPLM/A have absolutely no reason to cause any delays

Le SPLM/A n'a absolument aucune raison de causer des retards

60. A Saudi-funded magazine has dubbed him `the star of Islamic preaching`... none commands his incomparable vocal cords, his panoramic Muslim culture, his phenomenal capacity for improvisation, and his acerbic humour in criticizing infidel regimes, military dictatorship, the peace treaty with Israel, or the complicity of al-Azhar...

Un magazine financé par les saoudiens l'avait surnommé l'`étoile des prêcheurs islamiques`... avec ses incomparables cordes vocales, sa culture musulmane panoramique, ses capacités phénoménales d'improvisation et son humour acerbe consacré à la critique des régimes infidèles, les dictatures militaires, les accords de Camp David avec Israël ou la complicité d'al-Azhar...

61. " His squadron, his wings... " the Indian Air Force and the entire nation are proud of his bravery

Son escadron, ses ailes... l'armée de l'air indienne et la nation entière sont fières de son courage

62. Member of Sergeant Rolin's attack section, was characterized by his courage, his aggressive heat and his abnegation.

Appartenant à la section d'assaut du Sergent Rolin, se distingua par son courage, son ardeur agressive et son abnégation.

63. At his request, he has only been associating with a limited number of approved prisoners.

Il n’a été en contact qu’avec un nombre limité d’autres détenus, également à sa demande.

64. So, after he has left the family he may lyingly charge his wife with abandonment.

Il se peut donc qu’après avoir quitté lui- même sa famille, son mari l’accuse mensongèrement d’abandonner son foyer.

65. Now, his e-mail is secure, but I backdoored into his bank account and his appointment book.

Son e-mail est sécurisé, mais j'ai eu accès à son compte bancaire et son agenda.

66. It would appear... that your killer has been accurate in the application of his signature.

Il semblerait... que votre assassin a été précis en appliquant sa signature.

67. He opened his heart, welcoming people with his affable personality.

Il a aussi ouvert son coeur et étant si affable, il a su accueillir les gens.

68. During his employment with Mulox Mr Geels resided at Aix-les-Bains (France) and appears to have used his home as an office and base of operations.

Geels a habité à Aix-les-Bains (France) et il semble qu' il ait utilisé son domicile comme bureau et point de départ de ses activités.

69. After careful scrutiny of his account, it has become clear that Caleb Nichol was broke

Après avoir étudier ses comptes, il est apparu que Caleb était fauché

70. God, the “all-embracing truth” source, has not revealed all of his knowledge to man.

Dieu, la source de “la vérité globale”, n’a pas révélé tout son savoir à l’homme.

71. Michael Walsh has bucked the odds by dealing with his addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Contre toute attente, Michael Walsh a agi pour contrer sa dépendance envers l’alcool et la drogue.

72. He's on his inner-journey, his voyage of self-discovery.

Il est en plein trip de découverte de lui-même.

73. Upon his arrival, Allemand was relieved of duty for "brutality towards his crews" and "rudeness towards his passengers".

Malgré ce succès, il est révoqué de son commandement dès son retour pour « brutalité envers son équipage » et « grossièreté vis-à-vis de ses passagers ».

74. Senator Haidasz has ably served Canada, particularly his constituents and his community, for four decades and then some, both as a Parliamentarian and as a fine medical practitioner

Le sénateur Haidasz a servi avec compétence le Canada, ses électeurs et sa communauté, pendant plus de quatre décennies, tant en sa qualité de parlementaire que de médecin

75. Oh. You still have his taste in your mouth after all these years, don't you?

Tu as encore son goût dans la bouche après toutes ces années?

76. If his Ability had been measured, the outcome of the competition might have been different.

Si on avait mesuré les capacités de M. Zimmerman à cet égard, les résultats du concours auraient peut-être été différents.

77. All of his enticing, alluring temptations have as their root the destruction of the individual.

Tous les moyens séduisants et attirants qu’il utilise ont pour but de détruire la personne.

78. It will interfere with his family relationships, with his ability to earn a living and also with his health.

Celui-ci portera atteinte à sa vie familiale, à sa capacité de gagner sa vie et à sa santé.

79. There's a pellet close to his heart, lodged in his pericardium.

Il y a un plomb près de son cœur, dans le péricarde.

80. His apparent tolerance for alcohol may even add to his confidence.

Comme elle aura l’impression de mieux les supporter qu’avant, elle risque de se sentir plus sûre d’elle.